Monday, June 18, 2007


So, I got lazy today. Shoot me. I've had a very busy weekend. And because of that, I stayed home today. But I did manage to order some L.A.M.B - For those of you that don't know what I am talking about L.A.M.B stands for LOVE ANGEL MUSIC BABY and it is Gwen Stefani's clothing and accessory line.

I didn't order too many pieces because quiet honestly I don't walk around in sweats and tees. I'm a fashionista. But, since I'm a member of a co-ed health club, I find myself in the unenviable position of caring about what I wear to go work out. Oh how I long for the days of my all female gym. But alas, that gym and I are history as is the ex-boyfriend who gifted me the long-term membership only to later stop paying my dues when we parted ways. Why oh why don't I live near a womens only gym? But I digress, let me tell you why I ordered these tees.

First let me start off by saying, that I don't believe for a second that anyone is looking at me as I sweat like a pig with no makeup and my hair up in a bun as I painstakingly try to convince my gelatin-like legs that increasing the speed on my treadmill by another 1mph for one more excruciating mile uphill is going to make any difference on my figure, nevertheless I still feel just a touch self-conscious. Again, I am keenly aware that there are far skinnier and far prettier than I at my gym, but I still can't help caring about the way I look while there. When I was a member of an all female gym, it was much different. ANY old ratty shirt, that made me look about 70 pounds heavier than I actually was would do just fine, I mean ANY old ratty shirt. Thank God that this gym does not offer cardio classes of any kind, because I could not imagine taking an advanced aerobics class in front of dozens of gawking male eyes as my bouncing oversized breasts give the incorrect appearance of being braless. Since, I have at least for the moment, no other alternative than to continue however infrequently to patronize Co-ed Gym, I must submit to the pressures of this, (I say this jokingly of course) unjust society. Hence the L.A.M.B wear. Again, this is just for the gym.

Over $500 later, I doubt that I will feel any less self-conscious about exercising in front of the opposite sex the next time that I try to do a 20 minute walk-run with alternating hills.

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