Sunday, May 13, 2007


I forgot to mention to everyone that I received the Brooks Brothers 25% off coupon early last week. I probably didn't mention it because I'm not all that excited about this coupie. First of all let me make clear that I absolutely love Brooks Brothers. For my birthday last year my brother took me shopping and he spent about $2,000 on my hearts content. It sounds like I purchased a great deal of clothing with that money, but I really didn't if you're familiar with Brooks Brothers pricing, and when one sweater costs $225.00 that $2,000 doesn't go very far. But I digress, I'm not excited about this 25% off coupon because I'm never excited about their spring collection. I don't know why there is such a large fashion disparity between the fall/winter collection and the spring/summer collection. Are there different designers for spring/summer? Or is it that one is just, (in my opinion) better dressed in the fall/winter than in spring/summer? Let's assume that's the case, why aren't there cute and inspiring dresses available from Brooks for the season? Or at least one cute blouse or TDF skirt? It's such a shame really what seems to be the lack of creative elegance that the spring/summer line is missing. I want to emphasis again that I love Brooks Brothers and I'll probably go there sometime tomorrow to see if there is anything worth that 25% off coupon, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Now, if this were the fall, that would be a different story completely. Hey Brooks Brothers, do you need help coming up with some creative yet classic solutions for your uninspiring spring/summer line? Have your people call my people. Ciao!

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